Climate-Friendly Digital Marketing Toolkit

Overview | Media Files
E-News | Blog | Website | Social Media | By the Seasons | For PYO, CSAs, & Farm Stands

climate friendly logoBackground

The climate-friendly campaign is a project of Vermont Organic Farmers and Vital Communities, with funding from the Vermont Agency of Agriculture Specialty Crop Block Grant Program. We developed this campaign to improve sales for Vermont organic farms by marketing an as yet under-represented consumer and public benefit of Vermont organic agriculture: climate action and resilience. We contracted with photographers and graphic designers to create the climate hero art you’ll see in the campaign’s physical and digital materials and developed marketing toolkits to make it easy for Vermont organic farmers to promote their products as climate-friendly.


How to use this toolkit

We built this Digital Marketing Toolkit to help you promote your Vermont organic farm as climate-friendly, specifically through digital outlets like e-newsletters, websites, and social media. Below, organized by outlet and topic, you’ll find:

  1. Photos and graphics for your use. The photographs in this toolkit were taken by Vermont photographer Andy Dubak, and the graphics were designed by Vermont graphic designer Cecily Anderson of Anagram Design and Illustration. You are welcome to copy/download any text or media file in this kit to promote your farm as climate-friendly. 
  2. Lots of publish-ready copywriting to either copy and paste as is, or customize however you see fit. Anything in brackets (ex. [your farm name]) denotes an opportunity to customize.


You’ll notice each section of copywriting is accompanied by a correlating photo and/or graphic, to make things easy, but there are plenty more photos and graphics to be found in the media files folder–have at it! We of course welcome you to use your own photos alongside any of the provided text, but you're welcome to use the provided imagery as well.

For most digital marketing outlets, we’ve provided five sample blurbs, each of which focuses on one of the campaign’s five central themes. We encourage you to cross post these! For example: publish our sample blog post on protecting natural resources, and link to it in an e-news blurb and social media post on the same theme–each of which can be made using the copywriting in this toolkit.

We’ve also developed a non-digital marketing toolkit for this campaign with print resources for your use.

Print Toolkit >>


Toolkit Contents

  1. Media Files
  2. E-News Content
  3. Blog Content
  4. Website Content
  5. Social Media Content
  6. Content by the Seasons
  7. Content for CSAs, PYOs, & Farm Stands