Climate-Friendly Digital Marketing Toolkit: Social Media

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Social Media Content



Share your story: Why are you a climate-friendly farmer?

Did you become an organic farmer because you wanted to build your land’s and/or community’s resilience to climate change? Or did learning about this potential resilience reinvigorate your dedication to organic farming somewhere along the way? Does the knowledge that your work is building climate resilience keep you going when the going gets tough? Share your story with your community: reinforce the message that climate resilience is important to you and integral to your practices, and take your readers along for a reflection or a recent vignette…make it personal!

Follow us and share our climate-friendly content

Follow NOFA-VT (@NOFAVT on Facebook, and @NOFAVermont on Instagram) and Vermont Organic Farmers (@vermontorganicfarmers on Facebook and @vermontorganic on Instagram) and share our climate-friendly-themed posts to your stories, or re-post them directly into your account’s feed. This is the easiest way to share the campaign with your social media audience.

Recommended hashtag

We recommend pasting the following hashtag into each of the posts below: #climatefriendlyfarming 



Each of the captions below focuses on one of the climate-friendly campaign’s five talking points, except for the last one, which focuses on the intersection of food access and climate-friendly farming. Some of them are more informational, some are more fun–take what you like and leave the rest. Feel free to make them your own or just copy, paste, and post! They all work equally well on both Facebook and Instagram, and all link to related photos and/or graphics, so everything you need to make a post is right here. For all of you bloggers out there, each of these social media captions also corresponds to one of the six blog posts above, so feel free to publish those blog posts, and link to them in your social media post if you’re so inclined.

Jump to theme:

  1. Organic practices protect natural resources
  2. Organically farmed soils release fewer greenhouse gasses
  3. Organic farms are more resilient to extreme weather events
  4. Organically farmed soils store carbon
  5. Organic farms are good for communities
  6. Food access

Theme: Protecting Natural Resources

Corresponding Photo and Graphics.

  • Thank you shareholders! Your support helps us to grow delicious, fresh food without chemicals. It takes more time and elbow grease, but keeps these bees buzzing, and that counts for a lot around here! Here’s to farming for biodiversity, natural resources, and climate resilience.
  • Gratitude shout-out to our customers today! Your support helps us to grow these [Crop name] without chemicals. It takes more time, but our organic practices keep our watershed, airways, and soils clean and resilient. Healthy natural resources are real allies in the fight against climate change, and Vermont organic farms like ours are doing our part to keep them at their finest. But of course, it wouldn’t be possible without a farm community like ours–thank you for being here, for backing this climate-friendly work, for making a brighter future possible.
  • At [Farm name], we use organic practices to keep the [River or watershed name] clean, swimmable, and drinkable. Healthy soils, clear waters, clean air, and healthy communities–that’s what Vermont organic farms like ours are all about, and it’s the stuff of a climate resilient future, too. Fancy that!
  • [Photo of sprayer, or row cover, etc] Here's our high-tech pest management system, chemical free since 19[xx]. Instead of weakening them, our organic practices strengthen biodiversity and natural resources, paving the way for a brighter future.

Theme: Organically farmed soils release fewer greenhouse gasses

Corresponding Photo and Graphics.

  • Just another day of avoiding petrochemical fertilizers & their greenhouse gas emissions :) Did you know that some of the fertilizers used in conventional agriculture are 300x more potent than carbon dioxide, when it comes to the greenhouse gasses they generate? No thank you! We’ll stick to compost and vibrant, healthy soils that actually sequester greenhouse gasses. Help fight climate change: choose Vermont organic.
  • Yes, your support of Vermont organic producers is a tangible step to mitigating climate change. Our production practices avoid petrochemicals, which contribute a huge portion of greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Looking for a way to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions? Buy Vermont organic! We abstain from emission-generating petrochemical fertilizers, and keep our soils so healthy they actually sequester carbon. Now that’s the kind of swap we need to fight climate change!
  • Healthy soils are one of our best assets as we work to reduce the effects of climate change AND build climate resilience for whatever comes our way. And the maestros and maestras of vibrant, robust soils are your local Vermont organic farmers. Invest in resilience: buy Vermont organic.
  • Shh, don't peek under the straw...the carbon is sleeping. Did you know that organic practices, like maximizing soil cover, ensure that carbon stays where it belongs–in the soil, instead of in the atmosphere? That’s your climate-friendly farming tip of the day!

Theme: Organic farms are more resilient to extreme weather events

Corresponding Photo and Graphics.

  • Sequestering carbon, stopping floodwaters in their tracks, and producing food for self-sufficient local communities…in the fight against climate change, what can’t Vermont organic soils do?! 
  • This [Cucumber/other crop name] is helping you adapt to climate change. Organic practices improve our resilience by boosting soil health, protecting natural resources, and strengthening local communities. All that and [Tzatziki/Other dish name] too?! Good deal, good deal.
  • This [Cucumber/other crop name] prevents flooding. That’s right! The organic practices that produced this [Cucumber/other crop name] make our soils more resilient to extreme weather events like flooding and drought. They can absorb more water, drain it more effectively, and also store it more effectively for dryer days. When climate change’s extremes come knocking, we know our soils will answer.
  • Irene. Pandemic. Drought. Late frost. Global warming keeps throwing punches, and Vermont organic farms keep responding. We've got the soils, the staff, and the community, and we’re building a resilient future. We are here to feed our neighbors no matter what.
  • Vermont organic farms = local food security.
  • Did you know organic farms are better equipped to withstand extreme weather events? Come flood or drought, our healthy soils have more capacity to absorb water, and our land management practices reduce erosion and run-off. We know we’ll be seeing more and more extreme weather events with climate change, and we also know Vermont organic farms are improving their landscape’s and their community’s resilience to those extremes. 

Theme: Organically farmed soils sequester greenhouse gasses

Corresponding Photo and Graphics.

  • Fun fact: healthy soils sequester atmospheric carbon. The more you know! So sequester that carbon–buy Vermont organic. 
  • This soil fights climate change. Did you know healthy soils sequester carbon and other greenhouse gasses? Once bound in soil’s biological processes, carbon essentially serves as a nutrient, fueling the development even healthier soil, which can sequester even more atmospheric carbon…now that’s my kind of climate change-fighting virtuous cycle!
  • Carbon offsets sold here! Yes, these [Crop name] are carbon offsets. When you support Vermont organic farms like ours, you’re investing in organic practices that lead to soil so healthy it sequesters atmospheric carbon. 
  • Virtuous cycles, vicious cycles–in the fight against climate change, it’s critical we take the time to differentiate between these two, and invest in the right ones. Take, for example, the virtuous cycle of carbon sequestration on Vermont organic farms like ours: with organic practices like cover cropping, applying compost, crop rotation, and minimizing disturbance, we give our soil our very best. The healthier our soil gets, the more appetite it has for sequestering atmospheric carbon. Once carbon is in the soil, it serves as a nutrient of sorts, boosting soil health even more. And now that the soil is healthier it sequesters even more carbon…and on and on. Natural systems can be some of our best allies in the fight against climate change. Buy Vermont organic, invest in virtuous cycles, mitigate climate change.
  • Buy Vermont Organic: Farming for a healthy climate.
  • No soil was harmed in the production of this [Lettuce/other crop name]. Our soils are invaluable. They provide us with delicious, nutritious food, promote biodiversity, and even sequester carbon. You better believe we treat our soil well!

Theme: Organic farms are good for communities

Corresponding Photo and Graphics.

  • We cannot say enough how thankful we are that we could keep growing and feeding our community throughout the pandemic. To witness and experience the necessity of a strong, self-sufficient local economy, when global marketplace disruptions arise, and to be able to provide for our community in that way–it meant a lot. Thank you to all who helped make that possible. We are here to feed you no matter what.
  • Healthy soils, healthy people, healthy communities. You know Vermont organic farms like ours put our soil health front and center. We invest in our soils, and they invest in us.
  • When it comes to climate change, self-sufficient communities with robust local economies will be more resilient to marketplace and transportation disruptions than their counterparts. As your local diversified organic farm, we’re proud to play a producing role in our local economy, to work with you, to tend it and build it, to reinforce its connectivity, and to ensure a brighter, more resilient future for us all.

Theme: Food Access

Corresponding Photo.

  • Everyone, regardless of circumstance, should have access to local, organic food that is nourishing. In Vermont, a household’s income needn’t necessarily determine whether or not they’re able to access the healthy, climate-friendly food produced by Vermont organic farms. That’s largely thanks to the Community Food Access Programs from NOFA-VT, which take a range of approaches to ensure Vermont organic food is accessible to all. Learn more at:
  • [If your farm participates in NOFA-VT’s Farm Share Program: “Because we believe everyone deserves fresh, nutritious, local food, we offer half-priced CSAs for eligible Vermonters through NOFA-VT’s Farm Share Program. Learn more about it here:”]


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