Climate-Friendly Digital Marketing Toolkit: For PYO, CSAs, & Farm Stands

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Content for PYO, CSAs, & Farm Stands

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CSA-specific content

Use the copywriting below to promote your CSA as a climate-smart investment–one that supports community-scale self-sufficiency and climate change mitigation in one fell swoop. 

E-News Blurb

Corresponding Photo and Graphics.

CSAs: Investing in Climate Resilience

Looking for a way to reduce your carbon footprint, bolster our community’s self-sufficiency, and get fresh, nutritious food to boot? Purchasing a CSA share is the best way to support our farm, and our climate-friendly farm is sequestering carbon, protecting biodiversity, and developing resilience to extreme weather events as we speak! An organic CSA is an investment in climate resilience, an investment in a better future. Plus, it comes with week after week of exceedingly fresh, delicious, nutritious food. [Optional: Learn more about how you can support climate change mitigation and resilience through a CSA share here (Link to Blog Post/Web Page Blurb below, if you’ve published it).]

Want to sign-up [link here for your CSA-sign-up]?

[If your farm participates in NOFA-VT’s Farm Share Program, link to it here, too, perhaps saying something like: We also offer half-priced CSAs for eligible, interested Vermonters through NOFA-VT’s Farm Share Program, learn more here].


Blog Post or Web Page Blurb

Corresponding Photo and Graphics.

CSAs: Investing in Climate-Friendly Farming

Investing in your local organic farm through a CSA is one of the best ways you can support that farm–not only does the frontloading model help to finance the many purchases that farms make in the spring (seeds, soil amendments, equipment, infrastructure, heavy staff time), but it also provides a security that farms can plan around. When our CSA fills up, we know how many CSA customers we’ll be growing for. That knowledge makes crop planning and spring purchasing a lot easier than growing for an unknown number of market or farm stand customers. In this way, our CSA customers are real members of the farm, showing up with support when we need it most and ensuring consistent sales we can plan around. When you purchase a CSA, you’re investing in us, you’re directly contributing to the efficiency of our production–you're helping us to succeed.

The feasibility, and flourishing, of local food systems has always been important, but in the era of climate change, it feels more important than ever. When you purchase an organic CSA, you’re investing in climate-friendly farming, in a resilient future.

In the most straightforward sense, Vermont organic farms ensure the local production of necessities, fuel a strong, vibrant local economy, and improve community-scale self-sufficiency–all of which undoubtedly equip a community to better withstand the effects of climate change, especially in the face of disrupted supply chains. When we experienced the wide-ranging impacts of disruption in the COVID-19 pandemic, Vermont organic farms rose to the task, and safely provisioned their neighbors with healthy, clean food. The strength of our local food economy helped Vermonters be more resilient to those disruptions, and we were proud to play a part. With climate change accelerating, we know the decades to come will present more challenges for our increasingly globalized supply chains, and we want to help our communities not just weather, but fare well in their midst. 

The practices we employ on Vermont organic farms also improve our resilience to extreme weather, mitigate climate change by sequestering carbon and protecting natural resources, like biodiversity, healthy waterways, and clean airways. These climate-busting practices, and the critical role we play in our local economies, render Vermont organic farms like ours a crucial counterweight in the fight against climate change and in the development of a more resilient future.

Without the support of our customers, of course, none of this would be possible, and our communities would be fully reliant on far away food supply chains, which are often less transparent about their practices, and are far less resilient in the face of large-scale labor, transportation, and communication disruptions. We are so grateful for our customers, who enable an alternative future for our community–one that not only sustains what we love about this place (swallows in summer evenings, clean swimming holes, a vibrant working landscape!), but ensures a brighter future for our children.

A CSA is an investment, indeed–in months of fresh, nutritious produce, but also in a rich, connected, self-sufficient community; in our natural resources; in climate change mitigation; in resilience. Week-in, week-out, with a CSA, you know you’re strengthening our community’s climate resilience, you know you’re helping. With climate change at our door, we must make educated choices, and invest in systems that move us farther from the extreme consequences of climate change, and closer to resilience. We are so grateful to each and every one of our CSA members, for making that choice with us.

[Optional: If your farm participates in NOFA-VT’s Farm Share Program, let readers know they can learn more about the program here, “because supporting a climate resilient future shouldn’t be a privilege.”]


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Becoming a CSA member is an investment: in our farm, in the quality of your future meals, in climate-friendly farming. When you sign-up for a CSA, you’re supporting our farm when we need it most, AND you’re putting your weight behind our efforts to sequester greenhouse gasses, protect natural resources, and build a climate resilient future. All that and weeks of delicious food too?! #climatefriendlyfarming

[If your farm participates in NOFA-VT’s Farm Share Program: “Because we believe everyone deserves fresh, nutritious, local food, we offer half-priced CSAs for eligible Vermonters through NOFA-VT’s Farm Share Program, learn more here.”]

PYO-specific content

Use the copywriting below to promote your PYO operation as a way for your readership to come experience climate-smart farming firsthand, as well as an investment in climate resilience.

E-News Blurb

Corresponding Graphics.

Pick-Your-Own Fruit for Climate Resilience

It’s hard to beat picking, laughing, and chatting in the [PYO fruit type(s)] rows at your local organic farm. The fruit is tasty and fresh as it gets, the experience is novel and fun, and you’re mitigating climate change to boot…yep, you read that right! Vermont organic farms like ours use climate-friendly practices that not only reduce the effects of climate change, but contribute to a more resilient future. And when you opt to pick-your-own fruit here at our farm, that’s the future you’re supporting. Come on out and experience climate-friendly farming firsthand! [Optional: Read more about how picking your own at Vermont organic farms supports, and provides the opportunity to experience, climate resilience here (Link to Blog Post/Web Page Blurb below, if you’ve published it).]


Blog Post or Web Page Blurb

Corresponding Graphics.

Pick-Your-Own Fruit, Pick A Climate-Smart Future

When you come to pick-your-own [PYO fruit type(s)] on our farm, you’re not only making a cost-effective decision, you’re making a climate-smart one. That’s because our farm uses organic practices that improve our resilience to extreme weather, mitigate climate change by sequestering carbon and protect natural resources, like biodiversity, healthy waterways, and clean airways. These climate-busting practices render Vermont organic farms like ours a crucial counterweight in the fight against climate change and in the development of a more resilient future.

Our pick-your-own offerings allow customers new and old to come experience our farm, to see the effects of these practices firsthand. On any given day, you might see colorful interplantings, fields in cover crops, ample soil cover, or the application of compost–these are just some of our organic practices that not only protect, but strengthen natural systems. And strong, resilient natural systems are some of our strongest and most cost-effective allies against climate change. Their complexity and connectivity self-manage a sort of homeostasis of rich biodiversity, thriving ecosystems, and clean air and water that neutralize and reduce the effects of climate change.

When you come to our farm to pick-your-own fruit, you’re not only experiencing climate mitigation, you’re directly contributing to it by supporting a Vermont organic farm. We can’t do this work without the support of our customers, and we’re so grateful for everyone who opts in on our practices, and backs our work with their dollars. We know there are other ways to get fruit from farm to table, and we’re grateful to our pick-your-own customers for choosing to not only buy climate-friendly, but to come see it firsthand. 


Social Media

Don’t mind me, just picking [PYO fruit type(s)] and dreaming of the resilient future we’re building. You can too! When you come to pick-your-own [PYO fruit type(s)] on our farm, you’re not only making a cost-effective decision, you’re making a climate-smart one. That’s because our Vermont organic farms like ours use organic practices that improve our resilience to extreme weather, mitigate climate change by sequestering carbon and protect natural resources like biodiversity, healthy waterways, and clean airways. #climatefriendlyfarming

Farm stand-specific content

Use the copywriting below to promote your farm stand as a straightforward retail outlet for climate-friendly food.

E-News Blurb

Corresponding Photo and Graphics.

The Farm Stand: Where You Know You’re Shopping Climate-Friendly

Today, in our increasingly globalized food system, it can be hard to make the best climate-friendly food choices. It can be tricky to tell which packaging promise is true, which is fluff, and which promises matter more than others. Luckily, when you shop at your local organic farm stand, there’s no question you’re shopping climate-friendly, and we’re proud to offer that simple option in our community.

The food you’ll find in our farm stand was grown as locally as it gets, representing very few food miles. It was produced using organic methods that protect natural resources, sequester greenhouse gasses, and increase our resilience to extreme weather. And last but not least, by supporting the local farmers that grew that food, you’re investing in your local community–another keystone piece in any community’s climate resilience. [Optional: Read more about the climate-smart nature of farm stand shopping here (Link to Blog Post/Web Page Blurb below, if you’ve published it).]

We love that our farm stand is a part of our presence here–that it makes climate-friendly food that much more accessible to our community, that it makes it easier for you to bring our food home to your table. We got into organic farming because we wanted to grow delicious, nutritious, good-for-the-Earth food for our community, and our farm stand is a special little place where that interaction takes place. If you haven’t been yet, we hope to see you there soon!


Blog Post or Web Page Blurb

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The Farm Stand: Where You Know You’re Shopping Climate-Friendly

It’s hard to dream-up a stronger contrast to the conventional, industrial food system than a local, sustainable one, like ours. One that abstains from hazardous petrochemical fertilizers and pesticides, opting instead for healthy soils, a vibrant local economy, and minimal distance from field to plate. Unlike the processes responsible for most of the food on supermarket shelves, a local food system produces a relatively minute amount of greenhouse gasses. And an organic local food system actually goes one further, bolstering the natural resources and systems we’ll need to combat climate change and build a resilient future.

As a Vermont organic farm, we’re proud to use practices that protect natural resources, sequester greenhouse gasses, and increase our resilience to extreme weather. And as a diversified local food producer, we’re also a key piece in our community’s self-sufficiency and food security, which are pf course important factors in climate resilience as well. We farm the way we do because these resilience factors matter to us, as they may well matter to you, too, if you’re reading this.

To make it easy for anyone to get a hold of our climate-friendly food, we offer our farm stand, like a mini-, climate-friendly grocery store. We work hard to keep it fully stocked with food as fresh as can be, grown with practices that reduce the effects of climate change, instead of accelerating them. When it comes to our farm stand, shopping is straightforward: everything was grown right here, or by neighboring farms, with organic practices. Everything here is climate-friendly.

To go back to the alternative, in all the colorful marketing of today’s grocery marketplace, it can be hard to find the most climate-friendly choices. It can be tricky to decipher packaging promises from sustainable sweet-talk, and sort the climate-friendly from the rest. Of course, we all go to the grocery store for some things, but when you consistently shop at a Vermont organic farm stand, even for some of your grocery list, you know that you’re offsetting that portion of your climate footprint, that you’re re-directing that portion of your grocery bill towards a farm that’s building climate resilience.


Social Media

Corresponding Photo and Graphics.

  • The farm stand: where you know you’re shopping climate-friendly.
  • It can be hard to make climate-friendly decisions out there. Luckily, when you shop at the farm stand, you know you’re making the right choice for climate mitigation and a more resilient future. The foods in here are the product of organic practices that sequester carbon in soil, protect natural resources, and build resilience to extreme weather events like droughts and flooding. When you’re shopping at the farm stand, that’s what you’re supporting. #climatefriendlyfarming


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