VOF Organizational Structure

Vermont Organic Farmers (VOF) was created by farmers in 1985 and remains a producer-driven organization. The constituency, of which all certified operations are a part, meets annually to:

  • Vote on standards interpretations and relevant policy issues
  • Approve changes to certification fees
  • Appoint the Certification Review Committee
  • Appoint the Executive Committee. 


Organizational chart for VOF


The Executive Committee

The management of VOF is vested in the Executive Committee. This committee consists of three to five constituents not certified by VOF and includes NOFA-VT’s Executive Director and the VOF Certification Director. They make decisions regarding VOF’s quality and financial systems, review the evaluation of the VOF Certification Director, and take action where necessary to ensure NOP compliance and the continued delivery of high-quality services to constituents. The requirement for this committee to be made up of non-certified parties helps to ensure non-biased decision-making.

The Certification Review Committee

The Certification Review Committee consists of five certified constituents who make decisions on any adverse actions and also create interim VOF policies for National Standards interpretations. This board helps provide farmer input and ensures that farmers are involved in decision-making.

The Inspector

The Inspector is an independent contractor hired to inspect farms and processing facilities to verify their practices and their compliance with the organic regulations. Staff may also conduct field inspections. The inspector must have no financial affiliation or business relationship with any applicant being evaluated, currently or within the past year.